Monday, October 11, 2010

Somewhere down the line

We do tend to hurt the ones we love the most. We know that they have got hurt due to something which we maybe done unknowingly, but aren’t able to do anything about it. I had learned to choose my choices of words carefully when I am upset. Saying "Can I have sometime alone and I promise to talk about it when I cool down." instead of yelling "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" is one of the most often used opening sentence when I got home upset. Sometimes we don’t have a clue how the people we love feels, but i believe that everything happens for a reason! Along the way we might, we just might realize that what we did is wrong but when at comes down to it all whatever happens happens. Its also just out of nowhere and then you find yourself feeling all the blame, but still there’s always a way to work things out and get along the way. I think we hurt the ones we love the most because we are so comfortable with those people that we just don't think. I have been hurt enough by people I love, that I stop to think, making sure I don't repeat the pattern and hurt someone else. It happens most of the time. Love and hurt comes at the same time.

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